Thursday, June 15, 2017

How alcohol affects psoriasis patients?

Alcohol lovers know that drinking alcohol is not good for health but still they drink. They have so many reasons to drink this poison but if you are suffering from psoriasis, I am sure that after reading this article you will not drink this poison. Do you know how alcohol can affects psoriasis patients? If no, read this article and see what kind of mess can create only one glass of alcohol.  
Do you know all the details about psoriasis? I think no because there is no one who knows every detail about any disease. So, here are some unknown and uncanny facts so that you can understand about this disease more clearly. Psoriasis is an auto-immune disease which causes your immune system to overproduce skin cells. This is a chronic disease and there is no cure for this disease till this date. 
It is said that if you want to treat this disease, you have to stop the development of extra skin cells. What causes this disease is not fully understood yet but it is though that it can be related to immune system, T cells and other cells of the body. T cells generally travel through the body to protect form viruses and bacteria. But if you have psoriasis, t cells mistakenly attacks healthy skin cells. 
Unfortunately, there is no cure for this disease but you can control its symptoms. Keep one thing in your mind that the signs and symptoms of this disease can vary from person to person.

Some common sign and symptoms of psoriasis are 

Red patched on the skin which is covered with silvery patches
Small scaling spots
 Dry, cracked skin which may bleed
Itching, burning and soreness
Thickened, pitted nails
Swollen and stiff joints
These are some points which I think help you to understand about psoriasis but, we are not here to discuss about causes and symptoms of psoriasis, right? We are here to talk about the effects of alcohol on the patients of psoriasis. See, alcohol and psoriasis can’t stay together and the reason is health complications which are linked to alcohol consumptions.  
It’s in the studies that drinking alcohol can cause many health issues and can damage your organs.  If you have psoriasis, your doctor may advice you to limit your intake of alcohol consumptions. Do you know why? Because drinking alcohol during the treatment of psoriasis can worsen the condition. According to studies if you drink one glass of wine or bear once in a blue moon, it won’t affect your condition. Remember one glass and that too once in a while.
The list is long which show that alcohol and psoriasis treatment can’t work together. Some of them are

Psoriasis flares-

It is said and also it’s in the studies that if the patient of psoriasis drink alcohol, their psoriasis flares. Men are more likely to have flares after drinking than women. The uncanny thing is that there are no studies which show the connection between alcohol consumption and psoriasis flares. 
Dry skin- As you know you after getting this disease you can get red, itchy patches and dry skin. If you drink alcohol during the treatment of this disease it can make your skin drier. So it is important to keep your skin moisturized. 

Lower psoriasis treatment response- 

Alcohol has many side effects and bad effects on our body but still people are drinking and the reasons are vary. If you are a patient of psoriasis, you have to stop drinking this because intake of alcohol can reduce the effects of the treatment. It is also possible that it can stop them working at all. 

So now tell me are you still going to drink alcohol if you are a psoriasis patient? No right? This is probably the best thing which you can do to manage this disease’s symptoms. According to studies which kind of alcohol you drink is also matters. If you consume non-light beer, it can develop flares of this disease. Drinking more than five non-light beers per week can double the risk. I am sure that only because of your craving you will not take chance with your condition.

See if you want to drink, I have already mentioned that you can drink only one glass and that too once in a while. In fact try to leave the habit of drinking this is not only good for your condition but also for your health. Stop drinking and add good habits in you. Take healthy diet and take correct treatment on correct timing. It will help you to live better and a bit normal life. 

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